#Soft Robotic #Wearable #AR Interface #Mask
#Arduino #Muscle Sensor #Silicone
Sirou Peng, Silvia Rueda, Adi Meyer
IALab, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London, UK
Feb. 2017 - Sep. 2017
#Wearable #Anti-social #Helmet
#Arduino #Sensor #Servo
Sirou Peng, Adi Meyer, Keisuke Akiyama
IALab, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London, UK
Oct. 2016
#Soundpainting #Compose
#Kinect #MaxMSP #Arduino #Solenoide
Sirou Peng, Silvia Rueda, Luca Giacolini
IALab, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London, UK
Jan. 2017
#Wearable #GPS #Voice Message
#Arduino #Thingful #Recorder
Sirou Peng, Xiaoxu Sun, Xue Chen
IALab, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London, UK
Dec. 2016
#Wearable #Anti-social #Helmet
#Arduino #Sensor #Servo
Sirou Peng, Adi Meyer, Keisuke Akiyama
IALab, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London, UK
Oct. 2016
#Wearable # Pneuduino #Heartbeat Sensor
Sirou Peng, Stephanie Alvarez, Lenna Galanis,
Minyue Ge, Yumeng Li
Digital FUTURES, Shanghai, China
Jun. 2018